
Cmos Single Zone Intruder Alarm Circuit

Cmos Single Zone Intruder Alarm

This ambit appearance automated Exit and Entry delays - timed anxiety absolute - and arrangement reset. It has accouterment for normally-open and normally-closed switches - and will clothing all of the accepted ascribe accessories (Pressure Mats, Magnetic Reed contacts, Foil Tape, PIRs and Inertia-Sensors, see

If the Green Led is not lighting - analysis for an accessible window or aperture etc. Once you're annoyed that the architecture is defended - and the Green Led is lighting - move SW1 to the "set" position. At this point - the Red Led will ablaze - and the Exit Delay will begin. The breadth of the Exit Delay is set by the amount of R12.

With a 220k resistor - you accept about 30 to 40 abnormal to leave the building. As you do so - the Buzzer will sound. It should stop aural if you abutting the aperture abaft you. This indicates that the actuate ambit has been auspiciously adequate aural the time allowed.

When you acknowledgment to the architecture and accessible the aperture - the Buzzer will complete - and the Entry Delay will begin. The breadth of the Entry Delay is set by the amount of R8. With a 470k resistor- you'll accept about 30 to 40 abnormal to move SW1 to the "off" position. If you abort to do so - the Siren will sound.

The breadth of time the Siren sounds is set by R11. With a 4M7 resistor it will complete for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then the broadcast will bead out - and the anxiety will attack to displace itself. It does this by application Q3 to about-face itself "off" briefly.

If the actuate ambit has been adequate - the anxiety will reset. If not - the attack will abort - and the anxiety will reactivate. It will go on aggravating to displace itself every 15 to 20 account - until either the actuate ambit is adequate - or the anxiety is switched off.

All the accepted triggering accessories may be affiliated to the ascribe terminals. These cover Inertia-Sensors. The acuteness of the Sensors is adapted by R4. Set to minimum amount - a ablaze tap will actuate the alarm. Set to best amount - a abundant draft is required.

If you are not application Inertia Sensors - alter R4 with a 220k anchored resistor. If you are not application normally-open switches - you can leave out R1, C1 & Q1 - but you have to fit an added hotlink amid the Green Led and C2.

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